Diet and Nutrition Handouts

Flavouring Suggestions #

Most people drink nutritional supplements straight out of the tin. They can be enjoyed in many ways. Be creative! Use this handout to give you some ideas for adding flavour and variety to nutritional supplements.


Feb 13, 2022

How to Increase Calories in the Diet #

This handout provides strategies for increasing the calorie count in the diet by suggesting different food stuffs.


Feb 13, 2022

Recipes for High Calorie Smoothies #

A high calorie diet is important for people living with ALS. This handout provides a couple of high calorie recipes for drinks and smoothies.


Feb 13, 2022

ALS/SLA Canada: Fact Sheet Feeding Tubes (PEG) #

A fact sheet about feeding tubes created by ALS Canada


Feb 13, 2022

ALS/SLA Canada: A Guide to ALS #

A guide for ALS care created by ALS Canada.

Most helpful RD pages:

  • Role of RD – pg. 25, 36 -37
  • Swallowing, Nutrition and Oral Health –pg. 52- 55


Feb 13, 2022

ALS Society of Quebec: ALS Nutrition Toolkit #

A guide for ALS care created by ALS Society of Quebec.

Most helpful RD pages:

  • Section 1: Tips for easier swallowing, optimal nutrition & general information
  • Section 2: Modified diets for swallowing difficulties


Feb 13, 2022

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